Shaft layout

SD / SWsee dimensions pages
SHCH + 1180 mm (1 m/s)
min. 3615 mm (1.6 m/s)
min. 3735 mm (1.75 m/s)
SH red.CH + 400 mm (1 m/s)
SPmin. 1000 mm (1 m/s)
min. 1130 mm (1.6 m/s)
min. 1360 mm (1.75 m/s)
SP red.min. 450 mm (1 m/s)
THmax. 40 m/min. 2900 mm (1 m/s)
max. 75 m (>1 m/s)
HSTmin. DH+450 mm / max. 11 m
HST2min. 500 mm
CH2100 / 2200 / 2300 mm
DH2000 / 2100 mm
DW800 / 900 / 1000 mm
EntranceSingle and double entrance (180°)
TypeL2, side-opening with 2 panels
SDshaft depth
SWshaft width
SHshaft head
SPshaft pit
red.reduced shaft head / shaft pit
THtravel height
HST(2)min. height between floors
CHcabin height
CWcabin width
CDcabin depth
DHdoor height
DWdoor width
FFLfinished floor level
UFLunfinished floor level

Note: All shaft dimensions with standard tolerances. The values shown correspond to a generic installation under ideal circumstances. During the planning phase, all applicable regulations stipulated by relevant notified bodies and all applicable national regulations should be considered.