What’s up next for EOX?

EOX adds the most value to your building through its built-in ability to change with your digital needs over time. Because it comes ready-made to adapt to your future choices. That means constant over-the-air updates and upgrades. That means smart maintenance. And that means access to additional digital services on-demand – from infotainment add-ons to premium maintenance. All of which meet the needs of your building as its purpose and function evolves.

Which means: The future has a lot in store for EOX. For example…

Advanced emergency services

Advanced emergency services will include video and chat communication from the cabin to our 24h service centres, as well as remote interventions.

Remote monitor & control

Advanced features to better analyse elevator performance in real time, as well as remotely monitor and control units for scheduled actions.

API connectivity

An open platform for Application Programming Interfaces to connect EOX with user applications and building management software.

Customised infotainment

Enhanced infotainment options will enable you to have full control over the display’s content, visual theme as well as the extension to announcements or ads.