
The values shown correspond to a generic installation. During the planning phase, all applicable regulations stipulated by relevant notified bodies and all applicable national regulations should be considered. Please consult with TK Elevator for guaranteed dimensions for your project. Additional rated loads and dimensions are available upon request.
SD / SWsee dimensions page
SHCH + 1200 mm
SPmin. 1000 mm / max. 1300 mm
THmax. 40 m / min. 2900 mm
HSTmin. DH + 504 mm / max. 7 m
HST2min. 360 mm
CH2200 mm
DH2000 / 2100 mm
DW800 / 900 mm
EntranceSingle and double entrance (180°)
TypeL2, side-opening with 2 panels
SDshaft depth
SWshaft width
SHshaft head
SPshaft pit
THtravel height
HST(2)min. height between floors
CHcabin height
CWcabin width
CDcabin depth
DHdoor height
DWdoor width
FFLfinished floor level
UFLunfinished floor level

Note: shaft dimensions with standard tolerances